Product Categories:معدات المياه فائقة النقاء في المختبر

معدات المياه فائقة النقاء للمختبر YS-DI-(40-60)L/H

1. RO pure water conductivity: <0-15 μS/cm at 25℃

2. Ultra-pure water resistivity: 18.25 MΩ·cm at 25℃

3. Bacterial removal efficiency: ≥99.6%

4. Particle content (>0.1 μm): <1 particle/mL

5. Microbial count: <1 CFU/mL; Total Organic Carbon (TOC) <10 ppb.  Conforms to Type I Laboratory Grade Water in China (GB/T6682-2008)

  • YS-DI-(40-60)

Product Introduction


Water Source Requirements:

Municipal tap water that complies with the Standard for drinking water quality (GB5749-2022), with total dissolved solids (TDS) < 500 ppm, water pressureranging from 2 to 5 kg/cm², and a water temperature between 5-45℃.

Product Water Quality Indicators:

  1. RO pure water conductivity: <0-15 μS/cm at 25℃
  2. Ultra-pure water resistivity: 18.25 MΩ·cm at 25℃
  3. Bacterial removal efficiency: ≥99.6%
  4. Particle content (>0.1 μm): <1 particle/mL
  5. Microbial count: <1 CFU/mL; Total Organic Carbon (TOC) <10 ppb. Conforms to Type I Laboratory Grade Water in China (GB/T6682-2008)


  1. Biochemical analysis: For fully automated biochemical analyzers
  2. lmmunoassay: For immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, and ELlSA tests
  3. Microbial detection: For bacterial culture, antibiotic susceptibility testing, and fungal detection
  4. Blood analysis: For routine CBC, coagulation function testing, and blood typing
  5. Urine analysis: For routine urine analysis and sediment analysis
  6. Molecular biology testing: For nucleic acid extraction, PCR amplification, and gene sequencing
  7. Other applications: ldeal for glassware cleaning and equipment cooling in laboratory settings


Water output≥10-30L≥40-60L≥80-150L
Design criteriaConforms to’ Type I Laboratory Grade Water in China (GB/T6682-2008)Conforms to Type I Laboratory Grade Wateri in China (GB/T6682-2008)Conforms to Type I Laboratory Grade Water in China (GB/T6682-2008)
Reverse osmosis technologySingle-stageSingle-stageSingle-stage
Resistivity tablePresentPresentPresent

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