Product Categories:Sterile laboratory Pure water Equipment

Sterile Supply Room Pure Water Equipment YS-RO-(300-500L/H)

1. Medical equipment cleaning: Cleaning of surgical instruments and endoscopes

2. Disinfection and sterilization: High-temperature steam sterilization and low-temperature plasma sterilization

3. Laboratory testing: Microbiological and water quality testing

4. Other applications: Maintenance of cleaning and disinfection equipment, and general environmental cleaning

  • YS-RO-(300-500LH)

Product Introduction


Water Source Requirements:

Municipal tap water that complies with the Standard for drinking water quality (GB5749-2022), with total dissolved solids (TDS) < 500 ppm, water pressure ranging from 2 to 5 kg/cm², and a water temperature between 5-45℃.

Water Quality Requirements:

Conductivity ≤ 15 μS/cm at 25℃.


1. Medical equipment cleaning: Cleaning of surgical instruments and endoscopes

2. Disinfection and sterilization: High-temperature steam sterilization and low-temperature plasma sterilization

3. Laboratory testing: Microbiological and water quality testing

4. Other applications: Maintenance of cleaning and disinfection equipment, and general environmental cleaning


ApplicationsSterile supply roomsSterile supply roomsSterile supply roomsSterile supply roomsSterile supply roomsSterile supply rooms
Water output≥100L/H≥120L/H≥150L/H≥200L/H≥300L/H≥500L/H Reverse osmosis
Design criteriaReverse osmosis water treatment equipment (GB/T19249-2017) Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China (ver.2022) regarding water usageReverse osmosis water treatment equipment (GB/T19249-2017) Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China (ver.2022) regarding water usageReverse osmosis water treatment equipment (GB/T19249-2017) Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China (ver.2022) regarding water usageReverse osmosis water treatment equipment (GB/T19249-2017) Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China (ver.2022) regarding water usageReverse osmosis water treatment equipment (GB/T19249-2017) Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China (ver.2022) regarding water usagewater treatment equipment (GB/T19249-2017) Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China (ver.2022) regarding water usage
Reverse osmosis technologySingle-stage ROSingle-stage ROSingle-stage ROSingle-stage ROSingle-stage ROSingle-stage RO
Conductivity TablePresentPresentPresentPresentPresentPresent
Controller7″ touch panel controller7″ touch panel controller7l” touch panel controller7″ touch panel controller7″ touch panel controller7″ touch panel controller
Water tankExternal PE 100LExternal PE 100LExternal PE 200LExternal PE 200LExternal PE 300LExternal PE 500L
Sterile water tankOptionalOptionalOptionalOptionalOptionalOptional

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Hefei Youshui Mechanical Electric Equipment Co., Ltd.

2/F, Building 3B, Yousi Tiancheng High-tech Innovation Industrial Park, Hefei High-tech Development Zone
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